list of tutorial problems

18042    Journey to the center of the earth LLVASCIS 16 48.84
18049    Robert Langdon & Sign Queue RLSIGNQ 51 70.59
18143    Kimo and Divisors KIMODIV 82 26.34
18157    Double Primes DBLPRM 33 25.45
18166    Counting Bits BITS 479 61.00
18192    ASCII 1 ASCII1 52 53.69
18199    SO SIMPLE!!! SS 41 44.90
18200    Good Mixture!!! GM 23 63.16
18226    First Char FSTCHAR 62 48.94
18294    Problem1 CODEM1 75 27.08
18295    Problem2 CODEM2 67 42.29
18296    Problem3 CODEM3 120 14.16
18298    Problem5 CODEM5 480 32.17
18299    Problem6 CODEM6 23 50.98
18398    Math assignment WLVASCIS 19 43.18
18463    A Research Project UOFTCA 12 73.68
18464    A Careful Reply UOFTCB 18 74.19
18489    Catch Me If You Can CMIYC 332 41.80
18501    Ishant can not Code AKVOD01 25 68.00
18504    Stan Swaps Glasses AKVOD02 29 60.29
18505    Special Blessing to Players AKVOD03 8 50.00
18508    The Factorial Conundrum FACTCN 6 34.09
18509    Dividing Money AKVOD04 10 18.18
18529    Tabs TABS 6 52.94
18533    Vowel Density VDENSITY 9 41.67
18534    Time Tracking TIMETRCK 6 60.00
18643    Odd ODDCOUNT 16 50.00
18644    Reverse Precedence RPRECEDE 5 88.89
18669    Fun with flooring factorial IOPC_14A 14 25.00
18705    Student Chains STUDCHAN 388 36.61
18716    Equation EQU1 25 20.42
18717    Again Equation EQUU2 22 30.12
18723    Largest Multiple LRGST2 32 31.12
18929    The Water Taps TAPS 159 43.30
18930    Number of digits DIGITCNT 56 55.23
18938    The angry professor VEXPROF 36 23.16
19036    Dukker The Topper NR3 17 27.36
19111    Interesting or Not INTNOS 21 32.89
19134    Base Conversion (Easy) BASECVT 21 65.33
19218    Dipu and Maths DIPU1 11 32.65
19219    Naval and exam NAVAL1 11 53.85
19220    Tarang and number of routes TARANG1 17 25.27
19230    Mr Toothless and His Task TTHLSS 28 22.33
19234    Identity crisis(Medium) LKID 7 13.64
19271    GRAVITY GRAVITY 88 18.34
19277    Permutation Cycle Decomposition PERMCYC 21 63.64
19289    Ohani And Unsolvable Math UNSLVM 29 39.29
19364    Sleepy Addition 2 ZZZADD 11 86.67
19383    Sort for Addition ADSORT 17 38.78
19384    Name Sorting NSORT 27 38.82
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